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End-To-End Application Test Solutions
A software testing method that ensures an application works as expected for the end user by testing the different flows that a user might take from beginning to end.
Testing is a technique used to test whether the flow of an application right from start to finish is behaving as expected. In simple terms, a software testing methodology to test an application flow from start to end. The purpose of performing end-to-end testing is:
To identify system dependencies
To ensure that data integrity is maintained between various system components and systems
To simulate the real user scenario
Is Every Piece In Its Place?
E2E testing focuses on the smallest components of an application — testing an API endpoint, testing a function, etc. While unit testing allows the tester to focus on these components, it is important to ensure all the pieces work together.
Our testing involves techniques that simulate an actual user of an application. By replicating the actions a user would take, the test helps evaluate whether the results comply with the requirements or expected outcome.
Examples include testing a user experience such as:
Paying for a product or service on a website.
Registering on a website.
Using a feature.
All these would be done in a test environment which would ideally represent the production environment in terms of databases used, API services used, and type of device used.
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