What is the purpose of beforeEach hooks in test automation?
BeforeEach hook is a bunch of code that will execute before each test run in a given spec file.
But why is it necessary to run these scripts before every test?
In automated testing, there are tasks that need to be consistently performed before each test across a spec file, such as:
Resetting the application state and database from the previous test's setup
Logging out of the application
Preparing test data
Additionally, there might be setup tasks unique to certain tests within a spec file, like:
Configuring the application state
Creating a new user or account
Logging in as a specific user
What is the purpose of beforeEach hooks in test automation?
BeforeEach hook is a bunch of code that will execute before each test run in a given spec file.
But why is it necessary to run these scripts before every test?
In automated testing, there are tasks that need to be consistently performed before each test across a spec file, such as:
Resetting the application state and database from the previous test's setup
Logging out of the application
Preparing test data
Additionally, there might be setup tasks unique to certain tests within a spec file, like:
Configuring the application state
Creating a new user or account
Logging in as a specific user
Incorporating these common tasks into a beforeEach hook offers several benefits:
It eliminates redundant code, streamlining your test scripts.
It allows for a one-time setup for all tests, assuming it doesn't introduce any indeterminacy into the tests.
It helps avoid unnecessary logins for the same user across different tests by persisting the user session within the beforeEach hook.
It significantly enhances the maintainability of your test code.
What are the other benefits you can derive through beforeEach hooks?
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