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Prashant Bellad
Jun 23, 2022
You can Improve your product QA with the Release Go-NoGo activity
Carry out regular GO — NO GO activity 2. Identify causes if a Release is a “No-Go” 3. Identify causes if a Release is a “Go” with known...

Prashant Bellad
Jun 16, 2022
Our testers take a hell of time to test
If this is what is happening with your application testing then among all questions, you need to ask - "Is our application testable?"

Prashant Bellad
Jun 9, 2022
Fresh bugs pop up as if it is a ritual post every product release
I am working with a founder to drill down the causes of her anxiety or low confidence on the day of their product release

Prashant Bellad
Jun 1, 2022
Agile and Steady SaaS product wins the RACE...
The other day I was brainstorming with my daughter for her debate on "Slow and Steady wins the Race", the hare & tortoise story we listened
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